Support Us
By staying connected with us
You help us simple, by staying connected to us, by sharing your thoughts, giving us feedback, liking and sharing our posts on Instagram, Facebook, or Youtube. The more we grow as a community the more we can help each other.
Donate, because you love us
You're thinking about making a small contribution to us? You are already a hero! Or course you need to know what happens to your donation. Every year we will create two unique evening performances, in which everyone can be a part of and everyone has the chance to participate. Now there is no price tag for the participants, so they get the full experience for free. But a production like this obviously involves more things: Rent of the theatre, rent of the rehearsal space, costumes, decor and the professional dancers, who we ask to help to give a push to our participants. We try to give as much as possible from ourselves and we have a small budget per performance, of which we pay the rent of the theatre and the studio and the professionals. And the rest we rely on the help of others, donations, sponsorship and love of the people around us. So your donation is for the benefit of creating a unique experience for our dancers and for the benefit of shaping the performance. Every small amount is a big step in the right direction! So thank you in advance!